To highlight the dignity and esteem of humanity, the World Humanitarian Day would be marked on August 19 across the globe including Pakistan. The day is marked to honour all humanitarians, who work to promote the humanitarian cause, and those who lost their lives in the cause of duty.
According to a UN report, the total number of people affected by natural disasters has risen over the past decade, and about 211 million people are directly affected each year. Like in other parts of the country, in Lahore each year some forums and bodies try to speak to the press to help spread these key messages of the World Humanitarian Day, while other groups organise public events including seminars, conferences and walks that feature humanitarian work. Kashif Mukhtar, a social and human rights activist, told APP that the day aims to increase public awareness about humanitarian assistance activities globally and the importance of international cooperation. The World Humanitarian Day is a day dedicated to humanitarians worldwide, as well as to increase public understanding of humanitarian assistance activities.
The day aims to honour humanitarian workers, who had lost their lives or injured in the course of achieving their task and to acknowledge the ongoing work of humanitarian staff around the world, Mukhtar added. Many communities and organisations try to stress the importance of humanitarians by distributing publicity and information material. So for, more than 700 humanitarian workers have died or experienced the most dangerous situations while trying to help those in need, he added.
Humanitarians provide support for different world challenges such as hunger, gender-based violence, refugees and displaced people, help for children, as well as clean water and access to sanitation. Sources in Human Rights Wing of the Ministry of Human Rights told APP that the Government of Pakistan was working well and was mandated to review human rights situation in country including implementation of laws, policies and measures. The wing coordinates the activities of ministries, divisions and provincial governments in respect of human rights, they added.